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Send in your switch and inspire other to do the same

Send in your commitment to switch via the form below and you might inspire others to also Switch for Tomorrow. Your switch will be displayed amongst all others on this website, to help inspire the world.

Submit your switch

Signpost as peace of art at Tomorrowland


  • B Jones

    My Name is Bea, also known as B Jones

    I married when I was 19 years old, and my daughter was born right after, when I lived in Ibiza. After six months, I divorced and moved to Madrid with my baby, alone, with nothing.

    I always found a way. After two years I finally had a good and stable job as a promotor. But I wasn't really happy. I never did something for myself. It was always for my daughter and my mother, which wasn't always easy. So, in 2011, I decided to make a Switch, to become a DJ myself.

    When I saw other DJ's on the stage and when I saw how happy they were, I also wanted to be that happy! Since then, I've put all my energy in becoming a DJ. Driving over 100km, every day, in the night, alone, to a studio in Madrid. There I spent a lot of hours, learning how to DJ with my friend. I'm so happy I have made this decision. Being able to now play at Tomorrowland, it has been a lifelong dream!

    Be open to learn, do your best and just believe in yourself.

    Photo of B Jones
  • Nagehan

    Hey there, I'm Nagehan Dobler, a fashion designer based in Zurich and the founder of Nana Gotti, my very own fashion brand.

    As a fashion designer, I've noticed that sustainability and the climate have become such important topics these days. I couldn't just ignore it and look the other way. Instead, I decided to dig deeper and understand more about it. That's when I came across some eye-opening documentaries that made me realize how our diet and lifestyle choices have an impact on the environment.

    It got me thinking, what can I do to make a difference? Not only for the environment but also for my own well-being. I started making small changes in my eating and drinking habits, becoming more mindful of what I consume and how it affects the planet. It's incredible how these little shifts made me feel lighter and more conscious, not just about food but also about fashion. This led me to take sustainability measures for my own brand. So now I'm on a mission to create fashion that not only looks great but also contributes to a better tomorrow.

    I hope my story encourages festivalgoers to make positive changes in their own lives. Remember, even the smallest change can make a difference.

    Photo of Nagehan
  • Shabz

    Hey there! I’m Shabnam, but you can call me Shabz. Originally from London, where I spent my twenties, I reached a point where I felt unhappy and began questioning everything. It became clear to me that I needed to make a change for my own well-being. So, without a solid plan, I took a leap of faith and left London behind, finding myself in the vibrant city of Berlin.

    Looking back, it was the best decision I ever made. Berlin opened doors for me to turn my passion into a profession, and now I proudly run my own restaurant called Mama Shabz. But that’s not all—my personal life also took a positive turn, as I met my incredible fiancée here. It’s safe to say that I’ve truly found my luck by following my own unique path.

    Now, I’m sharing my story with you because I want to inspire the People of Tomorrow to make positive changes in their lives too. Trust your instincts, and if they’re telling you to make a move, go for it. Even if things don’t work out exactly as planned, everything has a way of falling into place. So go out there and chase your dreams!

    Photo of Shabz
  • Photo of Jess


    My name is Jess Wilson, and I'm a London-based artist who specialises in illustrations and prints. This year I worked with Tomorrowland to create a unique sign post for the Switch for Tomorrow campaign, encouraging festival goers to make some small, positive switches in their lives for the better.

    As an artist, my work and inspiration behind my pieces often changes due to different creative influences in my life. For me, the pandemic played a massive part in the creative direction of my artwork. As I've gotten older, and as I had more time to spend outside during the pandemic, I've re-connected with nature and developed a newfound love for appreciating my natural surroundings more than ever before.

    In light of this, I now try and incorporate symbols of nature and foliage into my designs and prints to represent my switch between art styles. You'll notice this through my creation for the Switch for Tomorrow activation, as I've included some foliage into the butterflies of this design. It is really important for me to authentically express my interests, as well as my current style of artwork, through all of my designs when creating.

    I've loved partnering with Tomorrowland to encourage others to make simple, positive switches into their lives and hope I can inspire others in any small way I can.

  • Photo of Christopher


    In life the smallest changes can be the most impactful. I've learnt this more and more everyday. Whether that's implementing changes into my creative routine or changes to help myself and those around me. I have partnered with Switch For Tomorrow to share my personal switch story and how it has positively impacted my life.

    My line of work is highly stressful and demanding, more mentally than physically. With this, smoking was always part of my routine. A way to momentarily escape the chaos of a busy day on set, a way to procrastinate a concept. I know that I speak for many when I say that in the creative industry the habit is a common one, but we all deserve a break. When I discovered nicotine pouches, it helped me replace my old habit. Along with that they smell better than cigarettes and they can be used anywhere, which for me when I'm always on the road couldn't be more ideal.

    I've always said that it's the small things that matter and that's the same when it comes to changes in your life, it's the small ones that lead to the big impacts. The Switch For Tomorrow platform encourages people to make small behavioural changes that positively affect themselves, and for me that's something that translates to living a more productive and fulfilling life. With nicotine pouches I'm able to stay productive by not taking smoking break, which has been an absolute game changer for me - I'm always grateful for the effect it's had on my day-to-day routine.

    Making a switch can seem very daunting, but it doesn't need to be. The small switches are the ones that are most achievable, and it can have a positive knock on effect across your whole life and mindset.

  • Photo of Danielle


    When Switch for Tomorrow approached me to share my experience of making a personal switch, and how that has positively impacted my life, I instantly thought about how I have reconnected with fitness and wellness over the last six months.

    I've always been an all-in or all-out person. In my early twenties I became a huge fitness fan and was particularly interested in running. Like many others, as the pandemic occurred, my routine started to slip and I slowly but surely fell out of love with it. What I failed to see during these few years was that I was restricting myself from the joy of being active. Healthy body, healthy mind.

    I had somewhat of an awakening at the start of the year; I saw a candid photo of myself on stage and I barely recognised the person I was looking at. I knew that I had to make that mental switch again and get back to my love of fitness and balanced eating. It was a slow start, my capability and stamina were far from where they were before the pandemic, but months down the line I can not only see the positive impact this has had physically, but I also feel so much better mentally.

    Living in a more balanced, healthy way isn't a huge switch, but the impact of it has been so significant to me. It has enabled me to become a lot more focused in my work and also has encouraged me to have a better daily routine.